Sioux Falls Area Right to Life

Advocates for Life

Together we can make a difference.

Who We Are

Who We Are

Sioux Falls Area Right to Life is a local chapter of South Dakota Right to Life. Our volunteer organization is passionate about the sanctity of human life, promoting and protecting, and "Defending human Life from conception to natural death". Visit the State Right to Life website Here.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote a culture of life by protecting and advocating for the unborn and cherishing all life.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower others and ourselves through education, awareness and advocacy.

Life Chain 2024 image
For the past several years the Sioux Falls Area Right to Life elected to take on the role of organizing the annual Life Chain event here in Sioux Falls. We were happy and excited to accept the invitation to do so from the previous Life Chain organizers.  This last year 750 people lined 41st Street from Kiwanis Ave to Sertoma Ave in peaceful prayer to show their support for the end of abortion.

Stand with tens of thousands of pro-life individuals throughout the USA and Canada, in honor of the millions of babies whose lives have been lost to abortion. Pray for people in crisis pregnancy situations, for women who have been hurt by abortion and for our nation.

Life Chain is held yearly on the first Sunday in October.
When: Sunday, October 6th 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Where: West 41st St. (North Sidewalk)
Between Sertoma and Jefferson Ave.

Join us at our booth at Life Light on Sunday, September 1st, over Labor Day weekend from Noon-10 pm.
Find out more about Life Light in Sioux Falls HERE

Save the Date for next year.

  • Bring your entire family. We will provide signs. Signs may be picked up at and returned to the parking lots of Sioux Falls First Church or O'Gorman High School.
  • Encourage your church to come as a group. Church pastors are being invited – see if yours is planning to promote and participate.
  • ADOPT A BLOCK! Kindly let us know the number in your group by Sept. 30, so a specific block on the route can be reserved. We can then direct you to a check-in station near that location to pick up your signs.
  • Water, lawn chairs, umbrellas, wheel chairs and strollers are welcome and encouraged.
  • Life Chain will be held rain or shine, so dress appropriately.
  • Donations are accepted to cover costs of the local Life Chain ($1 per person appreciated but not mandatory.) All proceeds after expenses will be given to the Alpha Center.
  • As you stand for the unborn, please space yourselves 25 feet apart along the route (parents with young children are an exception.)
  • Roosevelt High School, O’Gorman and Sioux Falls First Church will have parking. Do not park in front of any open businesses. Arrive by 1:30 pm to allow time for parking and finding your block.
This is a time of quiet prayer and reflection. Please refrain from responding to comments from passersby.

For inquires, contact 605-929-6531 or for more information.

Regular Meetings Every 1st Monday of the Month at 6:30 PM (4301 W. 57st St. Sioux Falls)

Past Events

Life Chain06 Oct 2024
40 Days for Life25 Sep 2024
SD Right to Life Convention20 Sep 20242407 Broadway Avenue, Yankton, SD, USA
Life Chain Booth at Life Light01 Sep 2024
See Life 2024 - Focus on the Family15 Jun 20241101 East 57th Street, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Life Chain01 Oct 2023West 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
40 Days for Life27 Sep 2023
Pizza Ranch Fundraiser10 Oct 20222717 West 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Life Chain02 Oct 2022West 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
51st Annual SD Right to Life Convention30 Sep 20224905 Mt Rushmore Rd, Rapid City, SD, USA
Hour of Reflection 202230 Jan 2022500 E Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501, USA
Sioux Falls Area Prayer Rally & Walk22 Jan 20226300 West 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Sioux Falls RTL Christmas Party06 Dec 2021201 N Kiwanis Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
40 Days for Life Closing Rally01 Nov 20216212 South Pinnacle Place, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Monthly Sioux Falls Area RTL Meeting01 Nov 20214301 West 57th Street, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
2021 State Convention01 Oct 20216300 W 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD, USA


Since placing our first billboards in March of 2019 Sioux Falls Area Right to Life has placed 28 billboards which have created over 20 million positive Pro Life impressions in and around Sioux Falls. Our hope is that through these inspirational messages the sanctity of Life is lifted up and others are educated that life does in fact begin before birth.

The FIRST placement of a Permanent Pro-Life Billboard was first located on a cold day in January, 2020 and completed Dec. 23rd, 2021. With the help of many dedicated volunteers, including donated equipment and poles, and in cooperation with local and state governments, our vision for a permanent message was realized. We offer special thanks to the couple who donated the land and site along I-29 north of Dell Rapids, SD.

Do you want to help? We are now looking for 3 more spots of commercial land east, west and south of Sioux Falls. Donations towards the next three signs are very welcome. Please let us know if you or your organization would like to support these efforts. You can do so for as little as $250 when you partner in this community outreach and education initiative. Together, let's make this year one for LIFE!

(For tax deduction purposes, make checks out to "South Dakota Right to LIFE Education Fund" and memo "SF Billboards".)

Billboards imageBillboards image
Honoring the Unborn imageHonoring the Unborn imageHonoring the Unborn image
The pink and blue crosses represent the number of baby girls and boys whose lives were lost to abortion in SD, according to the latest number by the SD Dept. of Health (2022, published in June, 2023).There were 137 abortions performed in South Dakota in 2022, down from 192 abortions in the previous year. Praise God that because of the Dobbs decision on June 24, 2022, abortions in SD are only legal to save the life of the mother. Be in prayer for the mothers and fathers who made the unwise decision to end their child’s life. Also, pray that our state remains a pro-life sanctuary for the unborn. Please Decline to Sign the petition that would amend our state constitution and legalize abortion up to birth (and vote No in Nov., 2024.)


Movies & videos available to watch online or through other viewing options

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Books available to for members to borrow

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DVDs available for members to borrow

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External Websites

List of recommended pro-life websites

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The truth about RU-486 aka "The Pill"

The truth about RU-486 aka "The Pill"

Now legal for use in our country, RU-486 (mifepristone) kills an unborn baby 5-7 weeks old by blocking food and oxygen so that the baby eventually starves or suffocates to death.

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Abortion pill reversal

Abortion pill reversal

Have you taken the first dose of the ABORTION PILL (Mifeprex or RU-486)? Do you regret your decision and wish you could reverse the effects of the abortion pill? There is help available!

Read More  


This video is causing quite a stir. While the video creates a buzz .... Planned Parenthood doesn't know how to respond.

That's because the video includes footage of a scene Planned Parenthood does NOT want you to see: testimony from its own representative asserting the right to kill a baby who survives a botched abortion.

To watch the video, click the video or Click Here

Keep the pressure on and expose Planned Parenthood's agenda by sharing this video with EVERYONE you know.

  • 3101 W 41st St. Suite 201A
  • Sioux Falls, SD 57105